Tuesday 8 February 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of the E.U

The European Union is a set up with many goals,among to reducts war probablilty,reduces monetary instability, eliminates exchange rates and favors trade,... The six founders are Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands,and now there are now 27 EU members with a total population of 479.1 million people.
For thoses members there are some disadvantages and advantages of belonging to the EU.
For the disadvantages, we can talk about:-The reduction of sovereinety .
                                                                   -Loss of independence in many areas
                                                                   -After some year will not have traditional thinks for every country.
However,belonging to the EU does not have only bad side,there are some advantages of that also
For the advantages:we can talk about :- High reduction of war probablilty
                                                              - A European currency that reduces monetary instability, eliminates exchange rates and favors trade
                                                              -Europeans can move around freely within the European Union without asking for a visa,then when somebody travel around the Eu he could just have to show his ID card instead of his passport                                                            
                                                              -Elimination of transaction costs.According to http://library.thinkquest.org/19110/english/advantag/advantag.html , "For instance, Uk firms currently spend about £1.5 billion a year buying and selling foreign currencies to do business in the EU.
With the EMU this is eliminated, so increasing profitability of EU firms.

References: http://www.economicshelp.org/europe/disadvantages-eu.html, http://www.bized.co.uk/learn/economics/international/eu/notes/euindex.htm

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