Wednesday 4 May 2011


Television is one of the most popular entertainment activities for peoples in their houses nowadays. But television broadcasting really depends on the country; the way to broadcast might not be the same all over the world just because of some criteria. Here we will talk about UK and Cameroun.
In UK, there are so many British television broadcasting. And the first UK’s broadcasting agency was the BBC (British Broadcasting Company). It is highly independent of government control. But, sometimes although the government can persuade the BBC not to show something, there have also been many occasions when it has refused to give up in front of the government pressure. It also usual in UK to see that BBC does not screen adverts apart from the promotion of its own future programming. But, advertisement revenue provides a significant portion of the funding for most privately owned television networks and for the majority of them, their advertisements do not take long time such from 1 to 3min. And these kind of advertisements are used to promote a wide variety of goods, services and ideas like for example when you watch a movie, it can be cut to shows an advert of a drink, shoes, shop or food. As known, television is not just advertisement; there are also a variety of TV programmes shown such as news, cartoon, documentary, soap, game show... Talking about these programmes there is for example soap operas which are kind of long running series concerned with everyday life, it can also define women in relation to a concern with the family. And the recurrent events in soap opera include marriages, divorces, death, disappearances...

Concerning the TV broadcasting in Cameroon, there are International TV channels and National ones. There is only around 5 national channels and one of them belongs to the Government, its name is CRTV (Cameroon Radio Television). In fact these national TV channel are influenced by the government, every things they show is in accordance with the government. By the way there can also be some international channels also called occidental channels either American channel.  Advertisements are frequent on nationals TV and it is pretty sure that some of them earn a lot in this sector. It is not difficult to send your advert but to make it you should have lot of money because it costs a lot to be promoted which is normal. Basically, adverts cover a wide sector which contains food, clothes, or a business. As general there are a lot of different varieties of program shown: News, Documentaries, Reality shows, Movies, Cartoons, Weather, Music and feuilleton and also, television campaign advertisements are considerers indispensable for a political campaign. In Cameroon the style of soap operas is very simple because it is all about daily life and most of them inspired from a real story. Watching them can help people to understand a few of life; they always carry a lesson to retain.

References: Media UK(2011): "BBC news". Available at: Accessed ( 02/06/2011).

1 comment:

  1. This is not badly written, Stephanie, but you would lose marks for presentation. I really have to strain my eyes to read it and I'd rather avoid a visit to my optician in the near future! Can you please use a LARGER FONT and change to a LIGHT BACKGROUND. Also, be consistent in the colour of your font. Why are some sentences in black? And why have you used different fonts and different sizes? It doesn't look good!

