Saturday 26 March 2011

The government

The britain government is composed of many politicians namely the Prime Minister and the others members of the cabinet.The cabinet is an informal grouping of important ministers and officials of the royal household with 20 peoples as members who often meet once a week.In the government,there are single party government and coalition government.But,both of them are not the same,the difference between those is that all members of the government belong to the same political party.Therefore,strangly as it can be,the PM has more power than the Queen.In UK, when the government changes the civil service does not changes too.And also,to be a civil servant is better than being a minister because,civil servant have permanant job and high salary.There are many cabinet ministers but we'll talk about :The Rt Hon Cheryl Gilian MP,secretary of state for Wales.
According to Cheryl Gilian was born on the 21st April 1952 in Cardiff(Wales). She attended the independent Cheltenham Ladies' College , the College of Law and is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.Before having a political career,she was having a businness career.In this businness career,she joined the International Management group in 1977 before becoming a director with the British Film Year in 1984. In 1986 she was appointed senior marketing consultant at Ernst & Young , becoming marketing director with Kidsons Impey 1991–1993. She became a Freeman of the city of London in 1991 and is a member of the Worshipful Company of Marketors.Then she joined the political career where she served as the chairman of the right-wing Bow-Groupin 1987–1988 and unsuccessfully contested the Greater Manchester Central  seat in the 1989 European Parliament election. She was elected to the House of Commons in the 1992 general election.. In 1994 she was appointed as the Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal Viscount Cranborne. In July 1995 Cheryl Gillan joined the government as aParliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department for Education and Emplyment.In December 2003 she became Shadow Minister for Home, Constitutional and Legal Affairs.She was promoted to the Shadow Cabinet in December 2005 as the Shadow Secretary of State for Wales.

References:, ,

Tuesday 15 March 2011


Many students start their nursery school in Cameroon at the age of three or four. In these schools what they only have to do it is to draw, paint, play, sing,...After nursery time, as the systems is divided into three sectors, we have, primary sector in which people start at the age of three or four and were student have one exam to take when they reach their last year, the secondary sector in which people start at the age of the nine(for the cleaver one),ten or eleven and were students have three exams to take for their two last years, then we have the tertiary sector in which people start at the age of sixteen, seventeen, or heighten, twenty(for the older one's).In Cameroon, there are many private schools more than public schools(schools that belong to the government).Many parents prefer to send their children in these kind of schools because they give a good education there and the teachers are more competent. Sometimes they send their children there because they want them to receive a foreign education. For example in Cameroon we have  an American school, and a French school, is these school students are not receiving the same education as they are not doing the same subjects as students from other schools, but they are taking the same courses, programs that student from USA,UK or FRANCE. To punish the student in class, maybe if they have not done their homework or if they make a lot of noise in class, the schoolteachers can beat them, ask them to kneel down, ask them to leave the classroom or maybe ask them to sweep the floor after the class. University in Cameroon is available only for students who have successfully completed their secondary education y obtained their GCSE. Then there are private university (the more expensive and that belong to somebody or a particular)and public university(the more cheaper and that belong to the government).Usually, when students are at the university they do not have to live whit their parents again since they want them to be independent, responsible of what they do in their life, but it's depend on family and if your university is not far from your house. But actually many university students travel abroad to study mostly when they want to do a specific subject, and usually the most popular country that they choose are UK, Usa, France, Belgium, Canada and South Africa. The most serious problems facing the education system in Cameroon in the infrastructure. However the educational system of East Cameroon followed the methods of French model and the West Cameroon system was based on the British model.
To talk about the British system of education. In the UK, system is divided into three sectors. In the primary sector, children start with the nursery school class at the age of three or four. Then start their preparatory education at the age of five and can end it at the age of thirteen. In the secondary sector of education, students start their secondary school at  the age of eleven or thirteen only when they have successfully completed their primary sector. At this stage, they usually end at the age of sixteen where  they should be prepared to pass one of the different exam as GCSEs, or GNVQs. Between sixteen and eighteen, students have the choice either to leave school and work or starting their school sixth form college where they can obtained their A-levels or equivalents. In the tertiary sector, the typical age to start it is eighteen. In this sector, students after their A-levels start their higher education institution as universities or other higher education institutions. In the Uk, there are two kind of schools. Independent schools is a school that is not financed through the taxation system by local or national government, and is instead funded by private sources. For example we have the Warwick School, one of Britain's oldest independent schools.  Then we have State schools where all children in England between the ages of five and 16 are entitled to a free place at. To control students in their class, teacher in Uk sometimes told them to get out from the class. In the Uk to live with your parent while you are already in the university depend on if your house is not fare from your school, but most student live either on the campus or they share a house/flat whit their friends. And, it's hardly to see students from Uk travelling abroad to study, but if yes the most popular country from them is the Usa.


Saturday 5 March 2011

The Senedd

The Senned,known as the national assembly building, houses the debating chamber and three committee rooms for the National Assembly for Wales. According to, the Senned building was opened on 1 March 2006 by Queen Elisabeth II.
According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, devolution is the moving of power or responsibility from a main organization to a lower level, or from a central government to a regional government. In other words, devolution is a transfer of power from a central to a subordinate level; for example nowadays in our societies, if somebody usually has the power to do something , but after many times, they give that power to another person that he use to manage, now we will talk about devolution. The Senedd has his reception area situated on the first floor. In the Senedd there is also a Plenary meetings which takes place in the Siambr (the Assembly's debating chamber ) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. When peoples usually visit the Senedd,in public gallery there are headphones that can be use for people who does not understand the language(welsh,english) while visiting, so that they could have it translated through their headphones. All rooms in the Senedd have a least one glass wall .In the committee room, the glass walls is helpful for Welsh people so that the they can come and listen to their representatives make decisions on policies. And they can also see what going on inside, so that it could reflect the transparent democracy which could help people didn't complain about their right to be informed of what happening in the room.
